Featured Resources
While it's true, we love when you purchase from us, sometimes others have fantastic offers that we believe you can benefit from as well.
When we find offers like that, we'll share them with you right here! Below are a few of those offers that we believe any DIYer should see...
How to Build Your Own Tiny House (the easy way)
If you're interested in building a tiny home of your own, this program is a great first step.
Covering everything from the hows and whys to plans and pitfalls, this could be the best $47 you every spend.
DIY Solar Panels -Backyard Revolution
MIT Discovery can cut your power bills by 65%!
This video claims to teach you how to build your very own solar panels.
Click here to learn more about how you can do the same.
The Forgotten Power of Plants
Long forgotten remedies and healing methods from plants all around us.
This something for a burn? nature has you covered
But not just medicine plants, this book covered superfood plant recommendations too!
If you want to learn more about what resources are all around you every day, this book is a fantastic start.
Water Freedom System - Control Your Own Water Supply
With over 11,000 people in the past year alone using the Water Freedom System, it was only a matter of time before we caught wind of it.
If you plan to live off grid or reduce your grid dependency, this is the system you should invest in first. Water is life!
Create up to 20+ gallons of pure, clean, drinking water per day for next to nothing.