Head to Head Toilet Comparison Guide Series
Welcome to the Head to Head guides where we pit two popular composting toilet brands against one another and see which comes out on top!
Each page covers:
Find the toilet you are considering below, then click a guide link to compare it one of the other options.

Compare Laveo by Dry Flush to...
Laveo by Dry Flush vs. Nature's Head
Laveo by Dry Flush vs. OGO Compost Toilet
Laveo by Dry Flush vs. Separett Villa 9215

Compare OGO Compost Toilet to...
OGO Compost Toilet vs. Laveo by Dry Flush
OGO Compost Toilet vs. Nature's Head
OGO Compost Toilet vs. Separett Villa 9215

Compare Separett Villa 9215 to...
Separett Villa 9215 vs. Laveo by Dry Flush
Separett Villa 9215 vs. Nature's Head
Separett Villa 9215 vs. OGO Compost Toilet